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Would You Go to Mars for Your Honeymoon?

Meet the Journalist-Turned-Product Manager Who Might.
Employee Spotlight

Once upon a time, a sticky note on my bedroom wall held a lofty goal: win a Pulitzer Prize in five years. As a student of Urban and Regional Planning [to be honest, I kind of knew as early as my 100 level that this degree might end up collecting dust on some shelf], I had a thriving side hustle in journalism, with bylines in major Nigerian publications like the Punch, the Nation, Premium Times, you name it. I even served as the president of my university’s campus journalist union. It felt like my destiny was set.

In fact, if you had told me a few years ago that I’d be building a state-of-the-art product in one of the fastest growing Proptech companies in Nigeria, I’d have told you off faster than you can say the name “Temi.” 

But life doesn’t always follow the script we write, does it?  

The Journalist-Turned-Product Manager 

Journalism was my first love – a way to give a voice to the voiceless and shine a light on the issues that mattered, you know, all that good stuff.  

But even as I chased headlines, there was always this probing question in the back of my mind: Could I do more beyond ink on paper? I knew without a doubt that something was missing – a sense of tangible impact. I wanted to solve problems, not just write about them.  

Temitope posing as the sportswriter winner of the 2018 Campus Journalism Award presented by the Youths Digest Magazine.

In my final year of university, something shifted. I realized that while journalism was important, it wasn’t enough for me. This realization led me down an unexpected path – the grand world of technology and then, a home in product management. It turned out that my skills as a journalist – identifying problems, researching solutions, and communicating effectively – were perfectly transferable to the tech world.  

You see, I’m a fixer. I love seeing a problem and thinking, “How can we make this better?” Product management is a lot like journalism in that way. Both identify and address issues. As a journalist, I practiced “solutions journalism,” highlighting societal problems in the hopes of inspiring some action from the higher ups [call them the decision makers or the government]. Yet, I often felt frustrated that I couldn’t directly solve those problems myself because oftentimes one has no way of knowing if the higher ups are reading these stories. And even if they are, will they respond? 

Temitope [L] at the 2021 Great Ife Debate.

Product management, on the other hand, was going to give me a seat at the table. With this switch, I’m no longer limited to only identifying issues but also actively participating in crafting and implementing solutions. The fixer in me couldn’t be more thrilled.  

Stirring A New Course 

My journey as a product manager has been such an exciting blend of innovation and growth. It started with building an edtech solution that used AR/VR to make science more engaging for African students.   

Next, I spearheaded the development of a live learning platform that connected students with expert instructors for interactive classes. This platform helped students improve their focus and achieve better learning outcomes.  

On the side, I co-founded “Tech-B,” a platform that aimed to empower new techies build their portfolios and land their dream jobs.  

I then transitioned to building a comprehensive HR software, where my contributions played a key role in propelling the company from pre-revenue to generating $100,000 in just six months. 

Each of these projects, while diverse in their focus, deepened my understanding of user-centric design, honed my technical skills, and fueled my passion for creating products that truly make a difference.  

Product Manager, Limestone Technology.

Let’s Talk Limestone 

Fast forward a few years, and Limestone has become the latest product in my arsenal. And let me tell you, it’s been the most fulfilling yet. Our goal to transform community living in Nigeria resonates with me on a deep level. Suddenly, my background in Urban and Regional Planning isn’t just a degree on a piece of paper anymore. It has now become a foundation for understanding the complex challenges and opportunities facing Nigerian communities. Talk about no knowledge being lost, right?  

Limestone isn’t your average startup. It’s different. Special. It’s the most structured, focused startup environment I’ve ever experienced. As a product manager, this organization has effortlessly become the one place where I can focus on strategic thinking and actually get things done.  

One of the coolest things about working at Limestone is getting out of the office and interacting with the people we’re building for. I’ve shared meals with residents, laughed with security guards, and heard firsthand how our products are making a difference. It’s a constant reminder of why we do what we do. 

Every day at Limestone brings new challenges and opportunities. I’m constantly learning, growing, and pushing myself to be the best product manager I can be. But what I value most is the sense of purpose I feel working here. I know that the products I’m helping to build are making a real difference in people’s lives. 
And that, my friends, is a pretty amazing feeling. 

Temitope basking in the calm of nature

A Quick Q & A with Yours Truly  

Q: What are you likely to be caught doing in your spare time? 
A: When I’m not building products, you can find me exploring nature. But even more than that, I’m a sucker for learning anything about human psychology, deep philosophy, crazy innovation… If it’s thought-provoking, I’m all in! Hit me up with a random conversation about talking apes, I’ll indulge you. 

Q: If you could meet one person in history, who would it be and why? 
A: Definitely Jesus Christ. While on earth, He embodied the peak of what humanity should be. Who wouldn’t want to meet Him?  

Q: What’s one thing most people don’t know about you
A: A honeymoon on Mars with a gorgeous wifey is on my bucket list of the top 10 things to do as a newlywed.  

A Message from Limestone 

Did you enjoy reading about our amazing Product Manager? Well, next time you use Limestone, remember the passionate and dedicated individuals like Temitope who are working tirelessly to make your community a better place.  

If you’re passionate about technology, community building, and making a real impact, we invite you to join us on this journey. Who knows, maybe we’ll even see you on Mars someday. 

Explore Career Opportunities at Limestone

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