
Meet Limestone’s Unconventional Coder!  

So, quick story: There once was a young man, fresh from the university with a degree in Banking and Finance. But then, he finds himself in a remote village in Benue State, far from the corporate world where he thought he’d end up. Instead of spreadsheets and suits, he’s surrounded by endless stretches of farmland. 

Sounds like the beginning of a joke, right?  
But let’s be real, Banking and finance might sound fancy, but honestly, they’re not for everyone. Personally, I’ve always been more of a jeans-and-t-shirt kind of guy. The idea of being confined to a cubicle, crunching numbers all day in a suit and tie? Not my style.  

But that’s exactly where I found myself, studying Banking and Finance at university. Even back then, I knew deep down that the corporate world of suits and ties wasn’t for me. How I wound up with a degree in Banking is honestly still a mystery. But one thing I knew for a fact was that I wanted to make a real impact, to create something that mattered, and it wouldn’t be within the walls of a bank. 

So, how did I go from a reluctant banking and finance student to a passionate software engineer at Limestone? Well, it all started with a borrowed laptop and a whole lot of determination. 

The Turning Point 

Ever heard the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade?” Well, life handed me a whole orchard of lemons during my NYSC year in 2017. I got posted to a remote village in Benue State. But here’s the thing about lemons: they’re sour, sure, but they also have seeds. And those seeds, with a bit of grit and determination, can grow into something beautiful.  

My NYSC posting wasn’t exactly what I’d envisioned. I didn’t think I’d be surrounded by farmlands and a slower pace of life. It felt like I was a million miles away from whatever aspirations I might have nurtured in my mind. But the truth is, the calmness in the environment I found myself gave me plenty of time to reflect on my future. I’d always loved computers right from when I was just a kid. I loved spending hours tinkering with them, and you know, just exploring the vast world of the internet. 
And then one day it hit me, “Tosin, you can actually build applications that could change lives. You could create something meaningful, something that would make a real impact on the world.” And so, my coding journey began.  

It wasn’t easy, I tell you. The laptop I had at the time was broken, and resources were scarce [Try starting a dev career in a remote village – It’s beyond frustrating]. But I was determined. I approached the school principal at my primary place of assignment with a somewhat unconventional request: “May I borrow your laptop?” He was a young, forward-thinking guy, and so I wasn’t exactly surprised when he agreed to lend me his personal laptop.   

But guess what, a laptop alone doesn’t make a coder, does it? I needed guidance, a mentor, someone to show me the ropes. And lucky for me, I found this guy, a fellow corps member who was already a whiz in the dev world. I’m talking full-on software developer making strides in the industry. He generously took me under his wing, shared his knowledge and patiently guided me through the basics. 

We’d spend hours huddled over that borrowed laptop, the glow of the screen illuminating our faces as we navigated the complexities of code. It was tough, but it was also incredibly rewarding. I was learning, growing, and finally pursuing a path that felt true to me. 

The Struggle Was Real (But So Was the Determination) 

It wasn’t all smooth sailing. Internet connectivity was unreliable, and I often had to rely on my mentor’s limited resources. But I refused to give up. I soaked up every bit of knowledge like a sponge, eager to prove that even in a remote village, dreams could take flight. 

Back to Reality 

After my service year, I returned home, armed with newfound skills and a burning passion. But of course, there was still one obstacle: My broken laptop. Buying a new one wasn’t an option [needless to say, I was a jobless graduate with no savings]. As you would imagine, finding a stable job was tough.   

So, I did what any resourceful Nigerian would do – I improvised. Every Monday, I’d borrow my friend’s personal laptop (he worked a 9-to-5 and had a company-issued one) and spend the week coding, learning, and building my skills. Friday would roll around, and I’d reluctantly return it, counting down the days until I could get my hands on it again.  

It was a challenging period, but it also fueled my determination. I knew I was on the right path, and I wasn’t going to let anything stop me. 

The Breakthrough 

Eventually, my persistence paid off. I landed an internship at ThinkShift, a tech company, as a front-end engineer. It was a tough start, juggling the challenges of being a young graduate with limited resources. But I never forgot those nights in the village, coding under the borrowed light of a laptop.  

My journey eventually led me to Limestone, a company whose mission I completely resonate with. We’re not just building software; we’re building stronger communities across Nigeria. 

The Impact-Driven Developer 

So, what gets me excited about being a software engineer? It’s simple: impact. 

I love knowing that the code I write can make someone’s life easier, safer, or more connected. Whether it’s helping residents feel safer with our Panic Alert system or empowering estate managers to streamline their operations, I’m proud to be part of a team that’s creating real solutions for real problems.  

And the freedom that comes with this career? It’s what I’d call in our local parlance “Jara.” I can work from anywhere, anytime, as long as I’m making a difference (Plus, no suits or ties required!). Frankly, my experience at Limestone has been one of a kind, and I’m excited about what the future holds. From a small village in Benue to the forefront of Proptech innovation, it’s been an incredible ride. And the best part is, I know I’m making a real difference in the lives of Nigerians every day. 

Get to Know Tosin a Little Bit More 
  • Q: What’s a memorable moment from your time at Limestone so far? 
  • A: Our team retreat to La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort was awesome! I mean, it was amazing to connect with my colleagues outside of work and build those great bonds, you know. 
  • Q: What are you likely to be caught doing in your spare time? 
  • A: When I’m not coding, you’ll probably find me playing with my daughter. She’s my little bundle of joy! But when I’m flying solo, I always enjoy watching inspirational videos and learning more about my Christian faith. Maybe not the most exciting hobbies, but hey, it works for me! 
  • Q: If you could meet one person in history, who would it be and why? 
  • A: Andrew Carnegie, the Scottish-American industrialist and philanthropist. His story of rising from poverty to become one of the wealthiest men in the world, and then dedicating his fortune to philanthropy? Whoosh, that’s truly inspiring. 
A Message from Limestone 

Tosin’s story just shows the power of following your passions, embracing unexpected turns, and never giving up on your dreams. We’re honored to have him on our team, using his unique skills and experiences to build a better future for Nigerian communities. 

If you’re looking for a company that values innovation, impact, and a good dose of humor, we invite you to explore career opportunities at Limestone. Who knows, you might just end up building the next big thing. 

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